Exit and Investment Duration

We understand that exits via the typical paths like IPOs and acquisitions are still evolving in Africa. More so, most startups rarely pay dividends early in their growth phases. Yet, Tekedia Capital will work where opportunities are available for investors to exit in portfolio startups as they raise higher rounds, once they attain higher valuations. Nonetheless, investors should expect at least 3-7 years before any exit could materialize.

Investment Risk

Early stage investment is generally risky even as the reward is also huge. Any investment will involve a high degree of risk of loss of the entire investment amount. Nonetheless, we bring our domain expertise and knowledge of the market to reduce the risks by vetting companies and their leaders. Yet, we expect investors to understand the risk barometer on companies they want to invest towards being in the right comfort zone.

The value of investments can rise and fall over time and you may get back less than what you started with. Past performance is not a useful guide to future returns, which are not guaranteed.